Cubase 8 and above

  1. Go to the Devices menu and select Plug-In Manager
  2. Enable the VST 2 Plug-In Path Settings panel by clicking the cog icon at the bottom left of the window
  3. Click the re-scan button
    Cubase re-scan VST paths button

If this doesn't help, or you're using Cubase 7 or below, you'll need to re-set the VST blacklist file manually.

Re-setting the Cubase plug-in Blacklist manually


  1. Navigate to Macintosh HD/Users/<your username>/Library/Preferences/Cubase <version>/
  2. Delete these files
    1. Vst2xBlacklist Cubase (x86_64).xml
    2. Vst2xBlacklist Cubase.xml
  3. Re-open Cubase


  1. Navigate to Boot drive:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Steinberg\Cubase <version>\
  2. Delete the file Vst2xBlacklist Cubase.xml
  3. Re-open Cubase